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Major and Minor

Drawing on courses taught by faculty in seven Emory departments, the Ancient Mediterranean Studies major allows students to work with an advisor in developing a focused program of study.

A minimum of 36 credit hours is required (usually 11-12 courses).

Core Introductory Courses (2 courses)

  • ANCMED 101: Introduction to Ancient Mediterranean Societies (required) and
  • One of the following, ANCMED 201R: Material and Visual Culture; ANCMED 202R: Literature and Traditions; or ANCMED 204R: Introduction to Archaeology

Language Courses

Two semesters of study or the equivalent (e.g, summer program or intensive one semester course) of a single ancient Mediterranean language

Additional Program Courses

Six or seven courses, drawn from at least three different participating departments, of which three must be at the 300 level or above.

Senior Research

ANCMED 498 - Thesis written under advisor from the Program faculty. [Students with a GPA of 3.5. are eligible to participate in the College Honors Program and substitute ANCMED 495 for ANCMED 498 - Honors Independent Writing] 

BA degree awarded; 36 hours to complete; 11 courses required.

Core Introductory Courses (2 courses)

  • ANCMED 101: Introduction to Ancient Mediterranean Societies (required) and
  • ANCMED 201R: Mediterranean Archaeology or ANCMED 202R: Literature and Traditions

Additional Program Courses

Four or five courses, drawn from at least three different participating departments, of which three must be at the 300 level or above.

20 hours to complete; 6-7 courses required. 

Spring 2025 Class Schedules